2011년 1월 6일 목요일

2011 Solar Outlook

2011 Solar Outlook

The U.S. solar electric market grew by over 100 percent in 2010, now exceeding 1 GW of generating capacity.

Solar CEOs gathered at Solar Power International in October were resolute on one matter: the industry will thrive when a National Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard is in place, combined with an extension of the federal tax credit program and federal loan guarantees for the solar industry.

In 2011, the solar growth trend is expected to continue. In the U.S., solar power capacity is predicted to at least double in 2011, said Julia Hamm, CEO of SEPA. This growth will be caused in part by falling prices for everything from manufacturing costs to panel prices. Yet the main driver for U.S. solar development in the next year will not be price, but policy.

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