2011년 1월 6일 목요일

Company Results: Solar Shines On While Wind Blows Hot & Cold

Company Results: Solar Shines On While Wind Blows Hot & Cold

By Chris Webb | 2010년 12월 17일 (금) | 2 Comments
The jury is still out on whether signs of economic recovery are a just a 'blip' but energy companies are showing resilience, as REW's round-up of the latest earning postings reveals.

Warnings of a 'double-dip' recession in the US and elsewhere, notably the UK, have done little to undermine confidence in the renewables sector. Venture capital investment in cleantech companies, according to analysis firm Ernst & Young, topped US$1.5 billion in the second quarter of the year. Industry observers are keen to see if the momentum can be maintained for the remainder of the year.

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