2010년 9월 27일 월요일


The market is going flat and market participants are not active to get a gain.
And exchange rate war is going to start around U.S, China and Japan.
and All nations don't want to collapse the current situation in that advanced countries just got out of the recession made from 2008 financial crisis.
I think current invisible power managing the stock market could make another crisis and this crisis will be bigger than before.
If we get the bubble signal in the market one or two month later, we must run away from the market.
The current volume is not enough to boost the valuation.
This is the same in the U.S market.
But I can't deny a few good signs
- foreign investors leading the market
- smaller fund-run
- leading company is changed to the other sector
- interest rate is too low
- nations are controlling the debt crisis

If the current market falls down, I think all measures made by the politician has no effect on the market. This means we need more bubble to bust it.

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